Upcoming Courses & Tasters

Totally Tailored Training

  • From one-to-one through to fully tailored company-wide programmes.
  • Quality, expertise, and a perfect fit for any kind of soft skills issues you may face.
  • Two of our experts are always in the room to ensure each person receives the individual attention they deserve.
  • Available in-person, remotely or a combination of the two using our state-of-the-art hybrid technology.

Tailored Training Approach

  • We create unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses.
  • We design these programmes around specific needs and within budget.
  • Our aim is always to provide the best training bang for your buck.
We design these Tailored Training Programmes around specific needs and within budget.

Tailored to the Delegates

  • Each of our tailored training programmes is adapted and shaped to fit the people in the training room.
  • So not only will your programme be unique to you, but it will also be unique to each individual delegate as well.
  • We aim to make each delegate’s experience relevant to their world and their needs.
Each of our tailored training programmes is adapted and shaped to fit the people in the training room

Accredited Consultants

  • With backgrounds in drama, psychotherapy, group dynamics, and business.
  • They undergo rigorous internal training to develop their skills in design and implementation.
Unique in-house tailored training programmes for businesses organisations. Corporate programmes around specific needs and within budget.
Discuss your requirements