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Unwind and Thrive: Crafting Calm and Managing Stress

Don’t let stress hinder productivity – create a healthier and more resilient workplace.


Thursday 25 April 2024
2:00 – 3:00 PM BST

Everyone is under stress and pressure of some sort both during their working day and in their home life.

These are some of the major causes of stress as recognised by the Health and Safety Executive:

  • Longer hours
  • Fewer people to do more work
  • Higher expectations

So does this mean that we’re all going to go around getting even more stressed than we are already? Does this mean that the only way we can cope with these pressured times is to quit our jobs and move away?

One person’s stress is another’s excitement.

However, dealing with and managing stress can be approached from a different angle.

Don’t let stress hinder productivitycreate a healthier and more resilient workplace with a sneak peek of our mindfulness techniques, instant stress busters, and effective time management tips.

Join us on 25 April 2024 for our free Unwind and Thrive: Crafting Calm and Managing Stress 60-minute remote taster where our expert training consultants will guide you through stress-busting practices, ensuring you leave equipped with tools for a calmer, more balanced life. Seize this opportunity to invest in your well-being and thrive in the face of life’s challenges.

We’ll look at:

  • Time Management: Creating a sense of control over daily tasks
  • Boundaries and Prioritisation: Setting healthy boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain work-life balance
  • Positive Coping Mechanisms: Discover gratitude practices to enhance resilience in the face of challenges

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