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hybrid training

The Future of Training is Hybrid

The future is a world of hybrid training using innovative technology and techniques to create a hybrid learning vision!

Hybrid: taking bits of two different things and making a third ‘thing’ – Hybrid Training is the Future

The reality of hybrid working has been with us since the beginning of time, as species evolved and adapted to new environments. In the same way, people have adapted to the pandemic through hybrid working and hybrid schooling.

And now Impact Factory is focusing on hybrid training, combining our dynamic, relevant, practical and fun face-to-face training with our dynamic, relevant, practical, and fun remote training.

Before the pandemic lockdowns began, we tended to believe that face-to-face training delivered the most effective learning experience. But our brilliant trainers developed techniques that have proven to be hugely successful.

How the Future of Hybrid Training Evolved

With the lifting of restrictions, we began offering face-to-face training again and found that many people simply weren’t ready or able to take up that format, so like any adaptable species we evolved our own version of hybrid training. Once again, we wanted to make sure that the best of Impact Factory’s in-person style and newly evolved online style were in sync so that both ‘sides’ got a fabulous training experience.

We have reimagined the future world of training and work by breaking down geographical barriers and using innovative audio-visual technology and techniques to create a hybrid learning vision. We now deliver hybrid training for a thoroughly modern world of work where geographical boundaries melt away and we connect learners and trainers from multiple locations, geographies, and continents through the most up-to-date technology.

The key is to work with the physical barriers to communication and get the balance just right so that the people online don’t feel as though they are an audience observing the training and the people in the room don’t feel neglected with too much attention given to the remotes. Hybrid Training is the Future. It requires not only the right technology (more than one camera is essential) but also requires the trainers to know where to place themselves to create a feeling of inclusivity, how they arrange group and pair work, how they are specific when addressing people (rather than a generic ‘Does anyone in the remote group want to comment?’ we would say, ‘Jo Ellen, what do you think about the exercise we just did?’).

Advantages of Hybrid Training

The advantages are many and cover just about every situation.


It happens on a weekly basis now when delegates switch from remote to face-to-face or vice versa even on the morning of the training. A recent example was when one of our delegates was scheduled for face-to-face and on the morning of her course, her son wasn’t feeling well and had to stay home from school. She was able to ring up and change her mode of training, didn’t lose her place, and still got to participate fully.


There are big savings in time and costs for remote delegates. Clients have woken up to the idea that they don’t have to pay for travel (which may still be really difficult for some of their people, depending on their location), or for hotel rooms and other ancillary costs. For long-haul flights, there’s also the exhaustion factor and for many, the stress of travel.

Everyone can join in

You can run real-time events with delegates joining in from anywhere in the world. It’s really not too difficult to manage a variety of time zones by scheduling the training so that no one has to get up before dawn or stay up past midnight.

To summarise, Hybrid Training is great for:

  • Those who want an In-Person experience
  • People who continue to work from home or who have last-minute changes to their schedules
  • Those who may be back in the office and are OK about traveling for training and those who would prefer not to travel
  • Overseas delegates who would prefer to stay put and those who would like to have a London experience
  • Cost savings and less travel wear and tear
  • Adaptable across the globe

Hybrid Training is the Future but don’t just take our word for it:

Here’s a video that gives you a glimpse of how we do it.

We’re always happy to talk about hybrid training.

See Our Hybrid Offer

Email enquiries@impactfactory.com

Or Call us on +44(0)20 7226 1877


Hybrid Training is the Future

Read More About Hybrid Working

Managing in a Hybrid World

The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Training

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