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Presentation Fear - Nervousness - Fright - Panic

Presentation Skills Top Tips to Overcome Fear

“No, no! Please don’t ask me to make a presentation.”

“I can’t do it – I get too scared –
I’ll faint – I won’t be able to breathe.”

Presentation Fear – Nervousness – Fright – Panic

“No, no! Please don’t ask me to make a presentation.

I can’t do it

I get too scared

I’ll faint

I won’t be able to breathe.”

Now, maybe you don’t have this extreme fright reaction when you’re asked to present, but perhaps your initial reaction is like a rabbit in the headlights and you mentally leap to how to avoid it or why you’re the wrong person or just how awful you’re going to feel.

And what if you make a mess of it?

Irrational fear of failure seems like an appropriate response!

All common responses; all completely understandable.

Overcoming Presentation Fear

Why they’re understandable is that for most people standing in front of a group of people or sitting around a table presenting is unnatural, exposing, awkward, and utterly nerve-wracking. It’s also why things like daises and PowerPoint and iPads are used so extensively – because they’re something to hide behind.

For a lot of people, they think there’s nothing they can do but endure and get through it.

If you’re one of those people, here are some things you can do before you make your next presentation and of course, when you’re actually in front of an audience.

Before Making Any Presentation

Do Your Homework

Too often I’ve seen people who felt they were too busy to prepare. I cannot emphasise enough just how important it is to be well-prepared to present. You don’t have to know every nuance of your material but you have to know enough to be able to reassure people you know what you’re talking about and how to direct people to learn more.

Someone Else’s Slide Deck

If you are expected to present someone else’s slide deck, then make enough notes in your own voice so when you present it sounds like you, rather than presenting something that doesn’t quite fit.

Avoid Trying to Wing It

Even if you’re well-prepared, you still need to rehearse and rehearse again. And again. If you use PowerPoint, then you absolutely have to learn how to make it work for you.

Visit the Space

Nothing eases presentation fear like really knowing the arena you’ll be presenting in.

Sometimes that may not be possible, but when it is, have a walk around the space, sit at the table, and get a feel for the room’s vibes. Walking into an unknown place can be very unnerving, so getting to know it ahead of time will serve you very well.

Make the Space Your Own

Not only is it important to get a feel for the space, but it’s also good to put your own stamp on it, even if all that means is shifting some chairs, moving a table, leaving brochures for people to take – really anything that shows you are connected to the space. For your audience, on an unconscious level, the more you own the space, the more credibility it gives you.

During the Presentation


That seems pretty obvious, but when your nerves are on over-drive, your breathing tends to be shallow which in turn can make you feel as though you aren’t getting enough oxygen. Before you start it really helps to take three or four deep slow breaths (note: if you take fast breaths you could well become dizzy and light-headed).

Jump Around

Not on stage but beforehand you could jump up and down a few times or if that’s not possible, do some stretches. Even if you are sitting, you can still stretch your arms above your head, turn your head slowly from side to side, shrug your shoulders; pretty much anything that will get you settled into your body.

Take Your Time

When presentation fear really kicks in, it’s easy to rush. By slowing things down right at the beginning, you will come across as thoughtful and considered. If this is indeed the first time in the space if there’s any furniture or props (a dais, a table, a carafe of water, a computer or tablet, etc.) move them, handle them, place them where you want them.

Questions From the Floor

If you don’t know the answer, be brave and say you don’t know. People respect your honesty far more than flannel or bluster.

Eye Contact

Again, when your nerves are strung as taut as they can stretch, it’s easy to stay buried in your notes or keep your eyes focused on your slides. Making eye contact with at least a few members of your audience is a good way to settle some of those nerves. Seek out a couple of friendly faces and return to them throughout the presentation.

Sips of water

Think of taking sips of water as mini-breaks where you can gather your thoughts, look at your audience and move a bit. Moving around is really important if you find yourself becoming rooted to the spot. Not only will it help you breathe better, but it will also get your blood moving as well.

Enjoy yourself??

Believe it or not, once your nerves are under manageable control, presenting can be an exciting, energising, and engaging way to communicate with others.

Follow even just a few of these tips and you’ll feel a lot more like the king of the jungle than
that poor, frightened rabbit.

By Jo Ellen Grzyb, Director, Impact Factory

Overcoming Presentation Fear

Check out Impact Factory’s range of Presentation Skills courses:

Presentation Skills Course – One and Two-Day

Advanced Presentation Skills Course

Public Speaking Course

and our

Elite Five-Day Presentation with Impact Course

Overcoming Presentation Fear

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