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train the trainers courses

Train The Trainer To Be Right

At Impact Factory we have hundreds of exercises and processes which we use to help people improve the way they communicate.

Robin is a Founding Partner at Impact Factory. He is the driving force behind all the train the trainers training and programme design at Impact Factory.

On Being Right – Train The Trainers

by Robin Chandler

I am Right About Stuff

It’s true, there are some things that I just know about, have experience of, and understand.

Now, this puts me and all those of you who also know they are right, in a difficult position.

I can, if I wish, impose my rightness on others.

I can, more realistically, go about “proving” my rightness to others.

Or I can take the easier, more profitable route of allowing others their “rightness” too.

Let Me Spell Out What I Mean

At Impact Factory, we have hundreds of effective learning exercises and processes that help people to improve the way they communicate.

Now, since I created many of them I know how they work.

We also have dozens of brilliant people here who deliver these processes and exercises on a daily basis.

So, I could train the trainers, who are all incredibly talented people, to deliver each exercise and process in the same exact way that I would deliver it.

The Result

Result; identically delivered processes and exercises with the heart and soul of a slug.

Or, still keeping to my “rightness” about the delivery of the said exercises and processes as a personal thing, I can pursue with my colleagues their sense of rightness about the way they are delivering them.

Result; though identical on paper, each exercise and process gets delivered individually, with a flair, passion, and commitment that I would never have gotten by insisting on “correct” delivery from all.

Guess which way I work now?

I just try to make us all right, alright?

Train the Trainers

Read – A Conspiracy to Keep People Small also by Robin

Read more about Robin Chandler

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