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Leadership Assessment Quiz

Leadership Assessment Quiz

Have you got what it takes to be a leader, and what kind of leader are you?

Take Our Leadership Assessment Quiz

Have you got what it takes to be a leader, and what kind of leader are you? Our simple leadership assessment can help to identify your natural leadership qualities, and those that might benefit from development.

Bear in mind that a full leadership assessment can be an intensive process that looks at an individual’s strengths and style to define a clear development path. Nevertheless, this quick online version can be a useful starting point and is designed to give you a feel for your current suitability for a leadership role. 

Think about each question carefully and try to be as honest with yourself as possible. Remember that anyone can be a leader with the right development, and our leadership assessment can be a good starting point.

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Leadership Assessment

1. How Important is Status to You?

A. Very important because I like to feel I am at the top.

B. Quite important because it’s good to be in with the in-crowd.

C. Quite important, but I believe strong relationships are more important.

D. Not very important. I just want to get on with the job.

2. Which of the Following Best Describes You as a Child?

A. The leader of the pack, feared by all.

B. The funny one, adored by all.

C. The thinking one, listened to by all.

D. The quiet one, keeping my head down.

3. How Often Do You Come Up with New Ideas and Suggestions at Work?

A. All the time. I let everyone know what I’m thinking.

B. Often, but not if it would upset someone.

C. Often, but I am particularly sensitive to personal and political issues.

D. Rarely. I worry about saying the wrong thing.

4. A Colleague is Criticised for Poor Report Writing. What Do You Do?

A. Explain why they should have done better.

B. Take them for a drink after work.

C. Offer to proofread their next effort.

D. Nothing as I don’t really have an opinion.

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5. How Do You Tend to Respond to Negative Feedback?

A. I can get quite defensive.

B. I listen carefully but can feel disappointed.

C. I think about what I can change and how I can improve.

D. I often think negative feedback is justified.

6. What Does Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Mean to You?

A. A management buzzword.

B. Having fun at work.

C. A way of empathising with the way colleagues may be feeling.

D. Understanding other people’s moods.

7. How Do You Tend to Approach Challenges?

A. I work on my own to identify a solution.

B. I identify some possible solutions and ask others for feedback.

C. I work with colleagues to identify solutions.

D. I seek my manager’s advice.

8. How Do You Tend to React If Given a Task That is Beyond Your Capability?

A. I take it on. I’m usually up for anything.

B. I give it my best shot but make it clear that failure shouldn’t be blamed on me.

C. I agree to do the task but ask for further direction and assistance.

D. I ask if someone more suitable can be assigned instead.

9. How Do You Feel About Delegation?

A. I don’t tend to delegate as I can often do tasks quicker and better myself.

B. It’s a good way to share the workload.

C. It’s an effective way to create new learning opportunities for others.

D. I tend to be the one delegated to.

10 What Does Change Mean to You?

A. Something to be carefully controlled.

B. An opportunity where anything could happen.

C. A chance to make progress.

D. Something I probably don’t have much say in.

How Did You Score With Our Leadership Assessment?

Mostly As:

Leaders should be strong, decisive, and command respect, but be wary about coming across as bullish and authoritarian. You may be getting things done, but is your leadership style hampering your efforts to achieve more? 

Modern leaders develop team members to improve their capabilities. Take time to build a motivational environment that fosters perpetual success so that every achievement paves the way for the next.

Mostly Bs:

You have excellent leadership potential because you take the initiative and are happy to listen to others and support them. However, do you have a desire to be liked that sometimes undermines your ability to resolve conflicts effectively?

There is nothing wrong with seeking the approval of others, but a leader should never try to be everyone’s best friend. Rather than stepping around situations to avoid hurt feelings, confront people honestly but sensitively. You will find that they respect you more when they see the outcome.

Mostly Cs:

You have many natural leadership qualities. You easily draw groups together by being creative, assertive, and empathetic. Most promising is the importance you place on helping others to realise their potential, which is a leadership skill that modern companies seek out most.

  • If you want to move up the ranks, you appear to have a natural ability to make that climb, but be careful about letting superficially forceful characters conquer your position.

Mostly Ds:

You perhaps feel more comfortable as a team member rather than a leader, preferring to implement the decisions of others rather than contributing ideas yourself.

That doesn’t mean you cannot develop your leadership potential by looking at situations from a different perspective or asserting yourself. This may be beneficial for improving your standing and success at work even if you decide against leadership. 

How Can Training Help Me?

A full leadership assessment provides a strong basis for your development path, which can include training courses and other less formal methods of learning. Here are a few articles that may help:

With thanks to Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe, Dr Binna Kandola, Nita Sharma and Andrea Westall for their work on this online leadership assessment.

Leadership Assessment Quiz

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