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Fulfil Your Dreams

Impact Factory's Infamous Desire Pack

This is a sizable, thought provoking questionnaire designed to get you thinking about how you’d really like your life to be.

Fulfill Your Dreams – Impact Factory’s Infamous Desire Pack is a sizable, thought-provoking questionnaire designed to get you thinking about how you’d really like your life to be.

Be careful how you use this, it could Change Your Life!

Use with Caution… 

This could change your life (Or at least make you think a lot about it)


  • There’s no right way to answer these questions.
  • Do this on your own, with a group of friends, or with a partner (if you have one).
  • It’s OK to have more than one answer to the multiple-choice questions.
  • Be honest.
  • Think of this as a journey: do it at your own pace; think about it.
  • This isn’t about scoring yourself; this is about life!
  • These sections aren’t in any order. Skip around, and answer in bits and pieces; it doesn’t matter, this is for you.
  • Your answers may be contradictory. Just like life.

It’s a bit big to reproduce on a web page and you’ll probably want to print it out to fill it in, so use the contact form “Discuss your Requirements” to ask for a PDF copy.

Here’s the first section about Shopping

I  (fill in the blank) __________________________  shopping.

When I think of shopping I mean:

 Cars – Food – Knick knacks
 Gifts – Clothes – Furniture
 In a store – Books – CDs/videos
 On the Internet – From a catalogue
 Other   ___________________________

My favourite kind of shopping is:  

My least favourite kind of shopping is:  

Shopping makes me feel:

I shop:

 When I need to
 When I don’t need to
 When I want to
 To make me feel better
 To excess
 Just the right amount
I like to window-shop:

 A lot
 A little
 Not at all
 With friends
 On my own
I save for what I want:

I spend before I save:


My friends would say this about me and shopping:

This is what I buy to make me feel better:
I feel guilty when I shop:

I am able to return something to a shop when I’m unhappy with it:


Do I buy things I decide I don’t want and then return them?   _______________________

Do I buy things I decide I don’t want and keep them?     _______________________

Am I comfortable returning things?      _______________________

Other shopping habits I have are:

Have I got lots of stuff I don’t want/need anymore?   _________________

What could I throw/give away right now?
This is where I shop:

This is where I would prefer to shop:

And That’s Just Shopping!

As we said this is a sizable document.

Click below if you would like a PDF of this thought-provoking questionnaire

Impact Factory’s Infamous Desire Pack

Fulfill Your Dreams – Change Your Life

Find out More About Impact Factory

Discuss your requirements