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How Well Do You Interview?

It’s your job to help bring the interview to life so that we want to know more and can visualise you working for us!

Interview Skills – How to Interview Well

Oh, dear. How people do let themselves down.

For the past two weeks, Impact Factory’s Leadership Team has been conducting interviews to fill a vacant post.

Some of the candidates have interviewed very well and those are the ones who have made the

How to Interview Well

Interview Coaching

But, oh dear, the rest. I want to send them all to get Interview Skills coaching before they come along to meet us so they know How to Interview Well and present themselves more effectively.

I used to do a lot of career counseling, prepping people for job interviews, revamping their curriculum vitae, and helping people identify the careers that would most suit their skills and desires.

A Good Candidate

Because of that I’ve seen and worked with a lot of people over the past 35 years and know what makes a good candidate (aside from having the requisite skills).

Not only that, as a business owner (and previously head of a variety of departments with other organisations) I have interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people over the years and I know what I want to see and experience when someone walks through the door.

I’ve also written about job hunting and offered loads of hints and tips over the years. In light of
this recent experience, I’m going to offer a few more How to interview well tips to anyone out there going for a job.

How to Interview Well Tips

Be on time!

Even if you have to get there an hour early, go to a café and have a cup of soothing, calming
tea so you don’t end up rushing in sweating buckets and in a stressed-out state.

Do your research

Read the company’s website from top to bottom. Look out for things the interviewer might need. Make notes, have an opinion, find something that you like about it and mention it. Check out the industry so you know about any trends.

Rehearse how you’re going to present yourself

If you aren’t inclined to get any coaching before you go job hunting, then practising ahead of
time is essential.

Typical questions are:

  • Why are you suitable for this role?
  • Tell us about your relevant experience.
  • Why do you want to work for our company?
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • How will you add value to our company?

Don’t just answer these questions in your head – say them out loud, say them to a friend or family member, and say them in front of a mirror.

Make it Relevant – Bring it to Life

Give examples. The number of times candidates just say, yes, they can do whatever it is they’ve been asked. They don’t offer any examples or link work they’ve done in the past to the current role they’re being interviewed for.

They make interviewers do all the work of probing and digging. It’s your job to help bring the interview to life so that we want to know more and can visualise you working for us. Put some
energy into it!

Do you Have any Questions for Us?

This is usually asked towards the end of the interview and is an invitation to display your thoughtfulness and interest in the organisation. Having done the research prior to the interview you should have a good list of interview questions to get those on the receiving end thinking and being reflective.

Send a Follow-up Email

As soon as you are near a tablet, phone, or laptop, send a follow-up email thanking the company for their time and offering any more information. Even if you have gone through an agency, they’ll be happy to forward an email – they want you to get the job, too!

We’ve finished our interviews now. we had a short list of three and have all agreed on the final
choice. All of them knew How to Interview Well. It’s possible our short-list could have been a lot longer if each of those other candidates had followed the above advice!

By the way, if you are interviewing for a customer-facing position, you will find our article on customer service tips extremely useful.

Interview Skills Coaching


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How to Interview Well

By Jo Ellen Grzyb

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