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How to get the best from an Executive Coach

How to Get the Best from an Executive Coach  

Coaching is no longer reserved for problem leaders. It is frequently sought by top performers everywhere whose organisations value their growth potential.

How Do You Get the Best From an Executive Coach?

Many leaders believe executive coaching is primarily for solving personal issues that affect leadership, but this ignores the much broader development opportunities. 

Executive coaching takes a detailed look at how an individual can become a more effective leader. Here are some key things to bear in mind if you are planning to introduce an coaching programme within your organisation.  

Encourage leaders to embrace change

Change can be a challenge for everyone, and some leaders may see executive coaching as a disruption to the status quo of an already successful business. In other words, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ 

Our advice is to encourage leaders to appreciate the added value that executive coaching will bring to their roles and career. Bear in mind that many top leaders seek out executive coaching as part of their ongoing leadership development. Some even insist on it as part of their rewards package. 

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Align executive coaching and organisational objectives 

This is essential to achieve maximum value from the executive coaching process. It means leaders are being developed in the context of the organisation they lead. That means they can apply the lessons straight away.  

However, executive coaching shouldn’t be ‘single use’. Coaches must help leaders to maintain objectivity so that lessons can be applied as universally as possible to organisational strategies going forward. 

Establish some executive coaching ground rules

Reassure leaders by defining how the sessions will be conducted. For example, establish how the coach will gather information about the leader. Such as which team members and stakeholders will be contacted and how. You can also specify what the coach is allowed to share with the leader’s boss, and what will be kept confidential. 

Before the sessions begin, ensure that both coach and leader have the objectives in mind and understand that the organisation is the client. This will help the coach to structure and lead the sessions for maximum benefit.   

Choose a format 

Decide how the executive coaching sessions will be carried out. This can depend on many factors such as location, availability, and what the leader will respond best to. 

There are advantages to both face-to-face and virtual executive coaching sessions.

A common approach is to have a face-to-face session with a series of virtual follow-ups.   

Encourage leaders to be open and honest 

Executive coaching can be daunting as leaders must be willing to be vulnerable. Those who embrace this and commit to change can find it exhilarating.  

Unlike management science, academic theory, or consulting, executive coaching is an exciting interpersonal journey. Coaches and leaders can form strong bonds that are built on trust, openness, confidence, and achievement. 

Clarify how success will be measured 

Define milestones for assessing progress and a target date for completion, which is usually 12 to 18 months after the first session.  

The success of executive coaching should be based on how well leaders perform after the sessions have ended. Leadership results rather than progress made while they are ongoing. The greatest test is asking stakeholders whether they perceive improvements in the leader’s performance, and in the organisation as a result. 

How can executive coaching help my organisation?

Executive coaching can add value to your organisation at any time, but particularly during periods of disruption or significant change.

Here are a few other articles that can help you to establish an effective executive coaching programme: 

How Do You Get the Best From an Executive Coach?

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Tailored Coaching and Mentoring Training


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