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neuroscience in training - how humans learn

How Humans Learn: Impact Factory and Neuroscience

It’s all about motivation and upping the ante to absorb new information – and allowing emotions to be expressed.

Neuroscience and the implications for training about how humans learn best

Humans are the most important asset for organisations. Despite technological advances that improve our lives and jobs, it’s all for nothing without humans at the core.

Jo Ellen Grzyb and Sarah Creevey discuss the latest neuroscience studies that focus on the plasticity of the brain (an organ that is far more agile than any software or app) and how it drives effective learning.

It’s all about motivation and upping the ante to absorb new information – and allowing emotions to be expressed.  It’s about providing lots of opportunities to practice and to build on what we already do well – all of which create associations that stick. This is precisely Impact Factory’s training method since 1991, now fully backed by neuroscience.

It’s all about motivation and upping the ante to absorb new information – and allowing emotions to be expressed.

Neuroscience and Workplace Training

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