Remote Skills Coaching Session
All of the skills that we help develop here at Impact Factory are available to you individually in a one-to-one skills training.
This two-hour session is pre-arranged with a conversation about what you are looking to achieve.
Crafted around your needs and designed to maximise the potential of your existing skills.
Your one-to-one skills training session will be led by one of our highly experienced training consultants who regularly works with this skill set.
This close personal attention can sometimes be more useful than a one-day course.
Benefits of One-to-One Skills Training
- A completely personal, in-depth, and confidential look at your specific issues.
- Dynamic, empathetic, and highly experienced coaches.
- Get to the heart of your issues with speed and effectiveness.
- Delivered online.
- Two hours of personal one-to-one attention.
- Pre-assessment of the issues you want to cover.
Skills Training Sessions Can Cover
This list covers most of the issues we deal with, however as each session is designed specifically for your needs, we can work with all aspects of interpersonal skills.
Building Resilience
Business Networking
Change Management
Conflict Management
Creative Strategic Thinking
Customer Service
Customer Service
Influencing Skills
Line Management
Media Skills
Performance Management
Personal Impact
Presentation Skills
Project Management
Public Speaking
Quicker Better Meetings
Time Management
Train the Trainer