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Hybrid Training

Hybrid Training is the Future Impact Factory is well known for its cutting-edge training and development programmes. We have adapted both our Tailored Training and Open Courses to run as hybrid training. We’re bringing our unique interactive training style to the digital learning landscape. There are Huge Advantages to Hybrid Training It means you can alter the mode […]

Hybrid Training is the Future

Impact Factory is well known for its cutting-edge training and development programmes.

We have adapted both our Tailored Training and Open Courses to run as hybrid training.

We’re bringing our unique interactive training style to the digital learning landscape.

There are Huge Advantages to Hybrid Training

It means you can alter the mode of attendance for any delegate:

  • Wherever they are
  • Whatever may happen
  • Right up to the start of the event

There are big savings in time and costs for remote delegates.

And you can run real-time hybrid events with delegates joining in from anywhere in the world.

The future of training?

It’s hybrid.

Why Hybrid Training?

Historically, all our training was delivered face-to-face as we considered this the most effective way of developing everyone attending one of our training sessions.

Well, the pandemic quickly put a stop to that and overnight we were faced with what we thought was an impossible task. Making remote training work as well as in-person training.

So, we took stock, worked hard, and within weeks we had turned the meetings app Zoom into a tool with which we were able to remotely deliver the sort of interactive, dynamic training that surprised even us.

Remote Delivery

Many of our clients were impressed enough to move much of their training with us to remote delivery.

We then spent some time mastering all the other apps people were using. WebEx, Teams, Meetup, and several more, as our clients wanted to work with the meeting apps they were familiar with.

But, in truth, there was, and is still, a real and growing desire to get back to face-to-face.

Some were even content to postpone their training and wait for better days.

In-Person Training

Turns out that wait was longer than we all anticipated, and in-person training, like many other things, had a chequered restart.

So, once again we put our heads together and tried to figure out a way to square the circle. We needed to make training as near to an in-person experience for everyone involved, no matter what the circumstances.

What we came up with this time we now call Hybrid Training.

Hybrid Training

Some delegates are in the training room in-person, and some attend remotely via zoom, appearing on a large tv screen in the room.

With the new technology provided by a neat bar system combined with the new zoom rooms feature we have eliminated all previous sound issues.

Also, everyone, in-person and remote, gets their own box on the zoom screen.

It’s a great leveler and provides what we call an “All in the Room – All in the Zoom” experience

This format means we can create the face-to-face experience that everyone craves.

Our excellent trainers are able to include remote participants to the extent that they feel really present, as if they are there, in the room.

Running a training this way means you can turn on a dime and alter the mode of attendance for any delegate, wherever they are, and whatever may happen right up to the day of the event.

Please contact us to discuss your training needs so that your people feel taken care of during this extraordinary time.

Read our in-depth blog

The Future of Training is Hybrid

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