Upcoming Courses & Tasters
Key Person Coaching

Key Person Coaching

Key Person Coaching works on a fuller, more long-term brief than Executive Coaching!

Key Person Coaching works on a fuller, more long-term brief than Executive Coaching

While the work is headed up by a dedicated coach, it is not strictly one-to-one work.

It is a fully tailored programme worked out in conjunction with the Key Person and their colleagues, which can include any and all of the following:

One-to-One Coaching

This part of the programme would follow a similar pattern to executive coaching, but with an added dimension.

It will incorporate the larger need to look after the organisation’s need for the Key Person’s development in line with organisational aims and goals.

Places on Professional Development Courses

Combining One-to-One work with places on Impact Factory’s extremely effective professional development courses.

This will broaden the development potential of Key Person Coaching in line with the objectives established in early consultations.

Topics Could Include

External Placement on Non-Impact Factory Programmes

Here the thinking is to source relevant courses from preferred non-Impact Factory suppliers to fast-track the client’s development in line with the individual’s and organisations needs.

These placements could range from Prince2 Training or Language Study, to some form of Outward Bound experience or even Dance Training.

The idea here is to increase the Key Person’s confidence as well as their competence, thus making them both effective and motivational.

Key Work with Colleagues and Teams

To help embed change, growth, and development in the individual and the organisation we will tailor internal events designed to bring together everyone whose input or action is needed.

Key Person Coaching

Impact Factory Runs

Open Coaching and Mentoring Courses

Tailored Coaching and Mentoring Training

and personalised

Executive Coaching

for anyone who is interested in

Coaching and Mentoring Issues

Key Person Coaching

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