Real Drama – Real Solutions – Dramatically Different
We want them to smile, to listen, to go the extra mile, to feel part of a family.
Whatever it is we can find an effective solution to your business objective.
Drama Based Solutions
Dramatically Different combines the skills, professionalism and insights of our highly trained facilitators with the flexible, creative abilities of our experienced actors.
This helps us attain relevant, transformative solutions and entertaining resolutions to the challenges facing many organisations today.
Indeed, our facilitators and actors are often one-and-the-same. People who have undergone the rigorous, in-depth Internal Training programme we run at Impact Factory.
Each professional role player has been picked for their previous experience with NHS trusts, financial, manufacturing, government, retail, IT, education and a whole host of other markets.
Dramatic Interventions
By creating a range of dramatic interventions we can guarantee to hit the target every time.
Drama touches all of us: a play, a movie, or a soap opera can affect people in unexpected ways – raising awareness, teaching new skills, and holding up a mirror.
People respond to drama in a way that bypasses too much thinking or analysis and gets right to the heart of the matter.
Professional Roleplayers
The use of professional role-players and drama in business is neither fanciful nor irrelevant.
Dramatically Different is not about performance; it’s about presenting engaging scenarios to groups of people which demonstrate and highlight some of the crucial problems facing them on a day-to-day basis.
Home truths hit the mark without making people wrong or putting them on the spot.
Working with those groups, creative, unexpected and viable solutions are achieved.
Issues Addressed
Issues addressed through this exciting medium cover just about everything!
Everything that involves the effective use of communication between your people to get the job done.
- Customer service
- Change Management
- Personal Impact
- Negotiation
- Teamwork
- Respect
- Diversity
- Intercultural team issues
- Leadership
- Risk and Trust
- Networking
- Assertiveness
- Interview skills
- Interviewing skills
- Assessment centres
- Competencies
- Difficult messages
- Presentation skills
- Stress Management
- Silo mentality… and on and on and on
If it concerns people communicating with other people, we’ve done it.
Dramatically Different Programmes
Impact Factory has been using Dramatically Different programmes with a number of its clients over the years including:
- Deloitte and Touche
- GlaxoSmithKline
- General Social Care Council
- Corus Group
- Mittal Steel
- Kellogg’s
- And many others
Dramatically Different works in a variety of ways to fit specific issues, group sizes, budgets and deadlines.
What’s consistent and common with every solution is raising confidence, interactive involvement, laughter, energy, enthusiasm, moving things forward, and staff engagement.